PC World Komputer 2010 April
pluginy Firefox
Text File
1,077 lines
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cr = Components.results;
const Cu = Components.utils;
const ACR = Ci.nsIAutoCompleteResult;
//FF3 only method.
const log = function(msg) {
function OmnibarSearch() {
var localeService = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/nslocaleservice;1"]
var stringBundleService = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/stringbundle;1"]
this._sb = stringBundleService.createBundle(
OmnibarSearch.prototype = {
classDescription: "omnibar search companion",
classID: Components.ID("{629F60A2-7C31-11DD-9566-E35956D89593}"),
contractID: "@mozilla.org/autocomplete/search;1?name=omnibar-search",
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIAutoCompleteSearch]),
createNewResult: function(searchString) {
var result = Cc['@mozilla.org/autocomplete/simple-result;1']
result.setErrorDescription("omnibar search failure");
return result;
startSearch: function(searchString, searchParam, previousResult, listener) {
searchString = trim(searchString);
var utils = new SearchUtils();
var pref = utils._prefBranch;
// create a simple result object
var result = this.createNewResult(searchString);
var kwdInfo = utils.getKeywordInfo(searchString.split(' ')[0]);
if(kwdInfo) {
kwdInfo.title + " (keyword: " + kwdInfo.keyword + ")",
listener.onSearchResult(this, result);
var showdefaultsearch = false; //pref.getBoolPref("showdefaultsearch");
var enabledefaultsearch = pref.getBoolPref("enabledefaultsearch");
var query = utils.parseQuery(searchString);
if(searchString.length > 0
&& (showdefaultsearch ||
// show default search option for query containing @ operator
(searchString.indexOf("@") >=0 && query[1] && query[1].length > 0) ||
// and for query starting with search engine keyword
query[3])) {
var engines = query[1];
// no engine option was found
&& !(engines && engines.length > 0)
&& !utils.isAProtocolOrLocation(searchString)
) {
// as if user had typed in a valid query with default engine name
var e = utils._ss.currentEngine;
query[0] = searchString;
searchString = pref.getCharPref("defaultqueryformat")
.replace("$Q$", searchString).replace("$E$", e.name);
engines = [e];
if(engines && engines.length > 0) {
// show default option only if found an engine to search with
var engineNames = [];
engines.forEach(function(e) {
// XXX when "browser.urlbar.autoFill" is true and this is the first
// result cursor in textbox with autocomplete goes to the begining after
// the a space is entered. A workaround is available... it would be to
// add " " to the searchString, but its better to log a bug for this
// issue.
if(utils._mainPref.getBoolPref("browser.urlbar.autoFill")) {
// XXX this is a temporary workaround for the above mentioned bug.
// check in next version and remove if its fixed.
// here we have added an empty space in search suggestion so that even
// if its the first choice in location-bar autocomplete it wont
// trigger the buggy behavior.
searchString = searchString + "";
var currQry = this.getQueryForEngine(searchString,
engineNames.join(", "),
engines.length === 1 ? engines[0].iconURI.spec : undefined);
// call append match method to add a search result to urlbar autocomplete.
// result.appendMatch takes the following arguments:
// 1. the actual string to be used in the urlbar.
// 2. comment to be shown for the string in the urlbar.
// 3. path to the image to be shown besides the comment.
// 4. some style. dont remember what's it used for... :|
result.appendMatch.apply(result, currQry);
listener.onSearchResult(this, result);
getQueryForEngine: function(query, searchString, engineName, icon) {
if(trim(searchString).length == 0) {
searchString = this._sb ?
this._sb.GetStringFromName("EmptyStringFiller") : "___";
// XXX cache these string bundles
var comment = "";
comment = this._sb ? this._sb.GetStringFromName("DefaultSearchCommentFormat") :
"search $1 for: $2"
}catch(e) {
// failing for swedish locale check to see if there's a problem with file
comment = "$1: $2"
return [
comment.replace("$1", engineName).replace("$2", searchString),
icon || "chrome://omnibar/skin/classic/magnifier.png",
stopSearch: function() {
// for now nothing to do. everything is synchronous
* another component class to enable detailed search which are shown at the end
* of the normal places results.
DetailedOmnibarSearch = function() {
DetailedOmnibarSearch.prototype = {
classDescription: "Firefox Search component for location bar",
classID: Components.ID("{AA5CDC32-8148-11DD-99E5-B6AA56D89593}"),
contractID: "@mozilla.org/autocomplete/search;1?name=omnibar-search-suggestions",
__proto__: OmnibarSearch.prototype,
init: function() {
this._autoComplete = Cc["@mozilla.org/autocomplete/search;1?name=search-autocomplete"]
this._utils = new SearchUtils();
boot: function() {
// do any init here if required.
var prefBranch = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
var utils = this._utils;
var engine = utils._ss.currentEngine;
this._suggestEnabled = prefBranch.getBoolPref("browser.search.suggest.enabled") &&
this._mainPref = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
startSearch: function(searchString, searchParam, previousResult, listener) {
// before going ahead stop old searches if there are any...
var self = this;
this._listener = listener;
this._searchString = searchString;
var utils = this._utils;
var query = self._query = utils.parseQuery(searchString);
var result = this._result = this.createNewResult(searchString);
// load the preference baranch. will use it for a bunch of operations.
var prefs = utils._prefBranch;
var kwdInfo = utils.getKeywordInfo(searchString.split(' ')[0]);
var fileCompletions = getFileCompletions(searchString);
if(fileCompletions.length > 0) {
fileCompletions.forEach(function(f) {
listener.onSearchResult(this, result);
} else if(self._suggestEnabled && (prefs.getBoolPref('enabledefaultsearch') || query[3] || query[4])) {
self._autoComplete.startSearch(query[0] || searchString, searchParam,
null, new SearchObserver({
onSearchResult: function(search, result) {
self.onSuggestedResult(search, result);
} else {
this.sendCancelledSearchResult(listener, result);
sendCancelledSearchResult: function(listener, result) {
var self = this;
run: function() {
if(self._utils._prefBranch.getCharPref("popupstyle") == 'SIMPLE') {
// workarounds for different behavior in different popups :|
} else {
listener.onSearchResult(self, result);
}, Ci.nsIThread.DISPATH_NORMAL);
stopSearch: function() {
* method called after the suggested search results have been found.
onSuggestedResult: function(search, suggested_result) {
var result = this._result;
var utils = this._utils;
var searchString = this._searchString;
var query = this._query;
var listener = this._listener;
var prefs = utils._prefBranch;
var format = query[2] || prefs.getCharPref("defaultqueryformat");
var defaultEngines = query[1];
var $E$, $Q$;
if(!(defaultEngines && defaultEngines.length > 0)) {
defaultEngines = [utils._ss.currentEngine];
// temporary variable used at places to get engine names from engines list.
var engine_names = [];
defaultEngines.forEach(function(e) {
$E$ = engine_names.join(",");
var MAX_COUNT = prefs.getIntPref("numsuggestions");
// for some reason suggested_result is null in a few cases!
var count = Math.min(MAX_COUNT,
suggested_result ? suggested_result.matchCount : 0);
var old_$Q$;
var iconURI = defaultEngines.length === 1 ?
defaultEngines[0].iconURI.spec :
// TODO replace with an icon that shows that its a suggestion
//var results = [], comments = [], styles = [], images = [];
for(var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// 1. the actual string to be used in the urlbar.
// 2. comment to be shown for the string in the urlbar.
// 3. path to the image to be shown besides the comment.
// 4. some style. dont remember what's it used for... :|
$Q$ = suggested_result.getValueAt(i);
// TODO verify the correctness of this logic
var possible_url = $Q$.replace(/^http(s)\s/, "http://")
.replace(/\s/g, ".");
// XXX for addresses starting with "http ", it should be replaced with
// "http://"
if(($Q$.indexOf("www") === 0 || $Q$.indexOf("http") === 0) && utils.isAProtocolOrLocation(possible_url)) {
$Q$ = possible_url;
if( $Q$ !== old_$Q$) {
var comment;
if(utils.isAProtocolOrLocation($Q$)) {
// TODO cache these string bundles
comment = this._sb ? this._sb.GetStringFromName("UrlSuggestCommentFormat") :
"suggested url: $1"
comment.replace("$1", $Q$),
} else {
comment = this._sb ? this._sb.GetStringFromName("PhraseSuggestCommentFormat") :
"search $1 for suggestion: $2"
result.appendMatch(trim(format.replace("$Q$", $Q$).replace("$E$", $E$)),
comment.replace("$1", $E$).replace("$2", $Q$),
old_$Q$ = $Q$;
// now append other results...
var $Q$ = query[0] || searchString;
var engineseparator = prefs.getCharPref("engineseparator");
listener.onSearchResult(this, result);
// our implementation of nsIAutoCompleteObserver
SearchObserver = function(owner) {
this.owner = owner;
SearchObserver.prototype = {
QueryInterface: function(iid) {
if(iid === Ci.nsIAutoCompleteObserver
|| iid === Ci.nsISupports) {
return this;
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
onSearchResult: function(search, result) {
this.owner.onSearchResult(search, result);
// omnibar-allinone
OmnibarAllInOne = function() {
OmnibarAllInOne.prototype = {
classDescription: "Firefox Search and History component for location bar",
classID: Components.ID("{4087d5ad-ab64-4314-8899-fb9ccd7afe41}"),
contractID: "@mozilla.org/autocomplete/search;1?name=omnibar-allinone",
__proto__: OmnibarSearch.prototype,
init: function() {
// do any init here if required.
this.mainPrefs = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
this.prefs = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
this.utils = new SearchUtils();
this.omnibarSearch = new DetailedOmnibarSearch();
this.historySearch = Cc["@mozilla.org/autocomplete/search;1?name=history"].createInstance(Ci.nsIAutoCompleteSearch);
query: null,
listener: null,
searchString: null,
historySearchOn: false,
omnibarSearchOn: false,
startSearch: function(searchString, searchParam, previousResult, listener) {
var utils = this.utils;
var self = this;
this.listener = listener;
this.searchString = searchString;
// query === [search_str, engines, user_format, isKeyword, hasOperator]
var query = this.query = utils.parseQuery(searchString);
var resultDisplayStrategy = "HISTORY";
if(query.length > 0 && (query[3] || query[4])) {
resultDisplayStrategy = "OMNIBAR";
} else if(trim(searchString).indexOf(" ") > 0) {
resultDisplayStrategy = "OMNIBAR+HISTORY";
var result = this.result = new CompositeAutoCompleteResult(searchString, resultDisplayStrategy);
if(query.length == 0 || (!query[3] && !query[4])) {
// perform a history search only when a search engine keyword is not used
// and search engine operator is not used
historySearchOn = true;
this.historySearch.startSearch(searchString, searchParam,
previousResult, new SearchObserver({
onSearchResult: function(search, result) {
self.onHistoryResult(search, result);
if(!query[3] && !query[4] && !this.prefs.getBoolPref('enabledefaultsearch')) return;
this.omnibarSearchOn = true;
this.omnibarSearch.startSearch(searchString, searchParam,
previousResult, new SearchObserver({
onSearchResult: function(search, result) {
self.onOmnibarResult(search, result);
onHistoryResult: function(search, history_result) {
var result = this.result;
this.listener.onSearchResult(this, result);
onOmnibarResult: function(search, omnibar_result) {
this.omnibarSearchOn = false;
var result = this.result;
this.listener.onSearchResult(this, result);
stopSearch: function() {
var MAX = 20;
var OMNIBAR = 'O', HISTORY = 'H';
var array = [], strategy = DISTRIBUTION_STRATEGIES[name];
for(let i = 0, len = strategy.length; i < len; i += 1) {
var sourceAndBlock = strategy[i];
var source = sourceAndBlock[0];
for(let i = 0, len = sourceAndBlock[1]; i < len; i +=1) {
// Implements nsIAutoCompleteResult
function SimpleAutoCompleteResult(searchString, searchResult,
defaultIndex, errorDescription,
results, comments, styles, images) {
this.searchString = searchString;
this.searchResult = searchResult;
this.defaultIndex = defaultIndex;
this.errorDescription = errorDescription;
this.results = results;
this.comments = comments;
this.styles = styles;
this.images = images;
SimpleAutoCompleteResult.prototype = {
searchString: "",
searchResult: 0,
defaultIndex: 0,
errorDescription: "",
results: [],
comments: [],
styles: [],
images: [],
get matchCount() {
return this.results.length;
getValueAt: function(index) {
return this.results[index];
getCommentAt: function(index) {
return this.comments[index];
getStyleAt: function(index) {
return this.styles[index];
getImageAt : function (index) {
return this.images[index];
removeValueAt: function(index, removeFromDb) {
this.results.splice(index, 1);
this.comments.splice(index, 1);
this.styles.splice(index, 1);
this.images.splice(index, 1);
QueryInterface: function(aIID) {
if (!aIID.equals(Ci.nsIAutoCompleteResult) && !aIID.equals(Ci.nsISupports))
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
return this;
// nsIAutoCompleteResult
function CompositeAutoCompleteResult(searchString, strategy) {
this.searchString = searchString;
this.strategy = strategy = strategy || "HISTORY";
//this.has_history = strategy.indexOf('HISTORY') > 0;
//this.has_omnibar = strategy.indexOf('OMNIBAR') > 0;
CompositeAutoCompleteResult.prototype = {
strategy: "NORMAL",
searchString: "",
get searchResult() {
var omnibarResult = this.omnibarResult;
var historyResult = this.historyResult;
if(this.omnibarResult && this.omnibarResult.searchResult == ACR.RESULT_SUCCESS_ONGOING) {
if(this.historyResult && this.historyResult.searchResult == ACR.RESULT_SUCCESS_ONGOING) {
return this.historyResult.searchResult;
// TODO it would be good to inspect the result to handle failures
defaultIndex: 0,
_errorDescription: null,
displayTemplateItems: [],
get errorDescription() {
return this._errorDescription || (this.historyResult ? this.historyResult.errorDescription : "<Not Available>");
omnibarResult: null,
historyResult: null,
setOmnibarResult: function(result) {
this.omnibarResult = result;
setHistoryResult: function(result) {
this.historyResult = result;
_update: function() {
var displayTemplateItems = DISTRIBUTION_STRATEGIES[this.strategy].slice();
var omnibar_count = 0;
var history_count = 0;
var omnibar_max = this.omnibarResult ? this.omnibarResult.matchCount : 0;
var history_max = this.historyResult ? this.historyResult.matchCount : 0;
var max = Math.min(MAX, omnibar_max + history_max);
this._matchCount = max;
for(var i = 0; i < max; i += 1) {
if(omnibar_max <= omnibar_count) {
for(var j = i; j < max; j += 1) {
displayTemplateItems.push([HISTORY, history_count]);
history_count += 1;
} else if(history_max <= history_count) {
for(var j = i; j < max; j += 1) {
displayTemplateItems.push([OMNIBAR, omnibar_count]);
omnibar_count += 1;
var src = displayTemplateItems[i];
if(src == OMNIBAR) {
displayTemplateItems[i] = [OMNIBAR, omnibar_count];
omnibar_count += 1;
} else {
displayTemplateItems[i] = [HISTORY, history_count];
history_count += 1;
this.displayTemplateItems = displayTemplateItems;
get matchCount() {
return this._matchCount;
getValueAt: function(index) {
var [type, i] = this.displayTemplateItems[index];
return this[type == OMNIBAR ? 'omnibarResult' : 'historyResult'].getValueAt(i);
getCommentAt: function(index) {
var [type, i] = this.displayTemplateItems[index];
return this[type == OMNIBAR ? 'omnibarResult' : 'historyResult'].getCommentAt(i);
getStyleAt: function(index) {
var [type, i] = this.displayTemplateItems[index];
return this[type == OMNIBAR ? 'omnibarResult' : 'historyResult'].getStyleAt(i);
getImageAt: function (index) {
var [type, i] = this.displayTemplateItems[index];
return this[type == OMNIBAR ? 'omnibarResult' : 'historyResult'].getImageAt(i);
removeValueAt: function(index, removeFromDb) {
// NOT implemented
QueryInterface: function(aIID) {
if (!aIID.equals(Ci.nsIAutoCompleteResult) && !aIID.equals(Ci.nsISupports))
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
return this;
// list of *all* available tlds. update whenever a new tld pops-up.
const TLDS = ["aero","asia","biz","cat","com","coop","edu","gov","info","int",
var SearchUtils = function() {
this.wrappedJSObject = this;
SearchUtils.prototype = {
classDescription: "Omnibar search query parser",
classID: Components.ID("{0cca1b29-1489-4826-ba0c-21fee771afbd}"),
contractID: "@ajitk.com/omnibar/queryparser;1",
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Components.interfaces.nsISupports]),
RE_PROTOCOL_PREFIX: /^(www\.|http:|htttps:|ftp:|file:|chrome:)/i,
RE_IP: /^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}$/,
init: function() {
var ss = this._ss = Cc['@mozilla.org/browser/search-service;1']
var engines = this._engines = [];
ss.getEngines({}, []).forEach(function(e) {
if(e.hidden !== true) {
this._prefBranch = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
this._mainPref = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
this._bookmarks = Cc["@mozilla.org/browser/nav-bookmarks-service;1"].
this._faviconService = Cc["@mozilla.org/browser/favicon-service;1"]
getAllEngines: function() {
return this._engines;
getIconSpec: function(uri){
try {
if(typeof uri === "string") {
// TODO create a URL object.
return "";
var iconURI = this._faviconService.getFaviconForPage(uri);
return iconURI ? iconURI.spec : "";
} catch (e){}
return "";
getKeywordInfo: function(keyword) {
// currently in FF, keywords cannot be a capital letter. when
// getURIForKeyword is called for a keyword in uppercase, it hangs FF. fix
// for now is to convert the keyword to lower case.
keyword = keyword.toLowerCase();
try {
var bms = this._bookmarks;
// getting some errors a this line
var kwdURI = bms.getURIForKeyword(keyword);
if (kwdURI) {
var title = "keyword " + keyword;
var iconURL = this.getIconSpec(kwdURI);
var items = bms.getBookmarkIdsForURI(kwdURI, {});
for(var i = 0; items.length; i++) {
if(bms.getKeywordForBookmark(items[i]) == keyword) {
title = bms.getItemTitle(items[i]);
return {
keyword: keyword,
spec: kwdURI.spec,
title: title,
iconURL: iconURL
} catch(e){}
return undefined;
parseQuery: function(query) {
// there a few things that we need to keep in mind here.
// we need to respect user's way of searching things and should help him
// search efficiently. a typical search process would consist of two things:
// 1. the search query
// 2. intended search engine(s). this is a tricky one to identify. our goal
// is to identify the search engines using @ operatoror or usage of
// search engine keywords as identifier of search engine. So, this is
// what we are going to do to parse user queries: first look for
// operator "@" at the begining of the search string.
// Case 1. if found "@" look for a syntax "@engine1,engine2, engine3
// search query" notice the empty space behind engine3 keyword. keep
// looking for comma-separated search eingine and stop as soon an entry
// is found that does not stand for a search engine.
// Case 2. user has entered a normal string (not starting with "@"). Now
// there can be a possibility that the user is trying to use a search
// engine keyword. In this case, find the keyword string (test words
// separated by space if it is a keyword) and perform search accordingly.
// in both cases it is important to show the intended result of user's
// query. user can choose to learn and refine his query so one can search
// easily and more intuitively.
// Case 3. "@engine name one, engine name two search query" How to handle
// this case where the engine name contains spaces and they may not be
// separated from teh search query with comma? TODO find a good solution
var search_str = "";
var engines = [];
var isKeyword = false;
var hasOperator = true;
var pref = this._prefBranch;
var OP = pref.getCharPref('operator');
var SEP = pref.getCharPref('engineseparator');
var user_format = OP + "$E$ $Q$";
query = trim(query);
// check if the query starts with a standard protocol.
if(this.isAProtocolOrLocation(query)) {
return [];
// no protocol is being used. proceed ahead with parsing the query.
// before going ahead, there's one more kind of url that we need to handle.
// what if the user is typing in some intranet url such as http://home/
// etc? The best way to test that will be to actually try that and find out
// if that kind of url is active and can be used or not.
var enabledefaultsearch = pref.getBoolPref("enabledefaultsearch");
var idxOfAt = query.indexOf(OP);
if( idxOfAt === 0) {
var keys = [];
// what we are trying to parse: @ engine1 , engine2 ,engine3 search string
search_str = trim(query.substring(1));
// search_str = engine1 , engine2 ,engine3 search string
var sequence = search_str.split(SEP);
// sequence = ["engine1 ", " engine2 ", "engine3 search string"]
var last_str = trim(sequence.pop());
// sequence = ["engine1 ", " engine2 "]
var end_sequence = last_str.split(" ");
// end_sequence = ["engine3", "search", "string"]
// sequence = ["engine1 ", " engine2 ", "engine3"]
// end_sequence = ["search", "string"]
while(sequence.length >= 0) {
var next_name = sequence[0];
var finds = this.findEngines([next_name]);
//log("!next engine name:|" + next_name + "| has N: " + finds.length);
if(finds.length > 0) {
engines = engines.concat(finds);
} else if(next_name && next_name.length == 0) {
// search engine names were separated by more than one whitespaces
} else {
// found an entry which is not a valid search engine. time to stop;
search_str = trim(sequence.join(SEP) + " " + end_sequence.join(" "));
user_format = [OP, keys.join(SEP), " $Q$"].join("");
} else if(idxOfAt > 0) {
// once we know that there is an "@" character, reset the query to assume
// it to be at the end. there maybe a "@"(OP) character in search string
idxOfAt = query.lastIndexOf(OP);
user_format = "$Q$ "+OP+"$E$";
search_str = query.substring(0, idxOfAt);
var engines_str = query.substring(idxOfAt + 1);
engines = this.findEngines(engines_str.split(SEP));
} else {
// it is also possible to perform search in the form of: g y x search
// query as one of the users suggested! this method can be refoactored to
// reuse the engine parsing logic if there is a need to!
hasOperator = false;
// look for any search engine keyword
var seq = query.split(" ");
var key = seq.shift();
var engine = this.findByKeyword(key);
if(engine) { // user is going to use engine by keyword
isKeyword = true;
user_format = [key, "$Q$"].join(" ");
search_str = seq.join(" ");
} else if(enabledefaultsearch) {
search_str = query;
if(engines.length === 0) {
hasOperator = false;
// if none of the engines were found to match, search using default engine
if(enabledefaultsearch) {
if(enabledefaultsearch && engines.length == 1 && engines[0] == this._ss.currentEngine) {
user_format = "$Q$";
//log([search_str, engines, user_format, isKeyword, hasOperator])
return [search_str, engines, user_format, isKeyword, hasOperator];
isAProtocolOrLocation: function(query) {
// first check if the query starts with a standard protocol.
if(this.RE_PROTOCOL_PREFIX.test(query) || this.RE_IP.test(query)) {
return true;
if(query.indexOf(" ") < 0) {
if(query.indexOf("/") > 0) {
return true;
if(this.getKeywordInfo(query) != null) {
return true;
var lastIndexOfDot = query.lastIndexOf(".");
if(lastIndexOfDot > 0) {
// check for a possible TLD
var tld_name = query.substring(lastIndexOfDot + 1);
if(TLDS.indexOf(tld_name) >= 0) { // found a valid TLD!
return true;
// perform a generic test if a protocol is being used.
var protocol_name = query.substring(0, query.indexOf(":"));
if(protocol_name.length > 0) { //a probable candidate!
try {
if(protocol_name.indexOf(" ") < 0
&& Cc["@mozilla.org/network/protocol;1?name="+protocol_name]
) {
return true;
} catch (e) {}
// final test for a posible fiel path
try {
// this is a bad check. on some systems, it may not work even for a valid
// path
var file = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsILocalFile);
// came here w/o any exception => a valid file path
return true;
} catch(e){
// another check for a possible keyword
return false;
findByKeyword: function(kwd) {
return this._ss.getEngineByAlias(kwd);
findEngines: function (nameHints) {
var filteredEngines = [];
var allEngines = this._engines;
var self = this;
nameHints.forEach(function(hint) {
hint = trim(hint).toLowerCase();
if(hint.length > 0) {
var engine = self.findByKeyword(hint);
if(engine) {
} else {
var name = e.name.toLowerCase();
if(name.indexOf(hint) == 0 && filteredEngines.indexOf(e) < 0) {
return filteredEngines;
function trim(str) {
return str ? str.replace(/^\s*/, '').replace(/\s*$/, '') : '';
var FILE_SEP = '/'; //Default value.
// XXX how do we determine the operating system. we want to set the file
// separator. maybe that the file object has the required property
// get profile directory
(function() {
try {
var file = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"]
file.initWithPath("c:\\"); //do all windows have a c-drive?
if(file.exists()) {
FILE_SEP = "\\";
var File = function(x) {
if(typeof x === "string") {
var path = x;
// best possible sub stitution?
var file = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"]
// save the file handle for future reference.
x = file;
this.handle = x;
var path = this.path = x.path;
this.name = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf(FILE_SEP) + 1);
* Object corresponding to an actual file.
File.prototype = {
exists: function() {
return this.handle.exists();
* returns true if file is a file and not a directory.
isFile: function() {
return this.handle.isFile();
* returns true if file is a directory
isDir: function() {
return this.handle.isDirectory();
* returns a list of files available in the current folder.
* @param filter {string} a simple wildcard filter or a function
getFiles: function(filter) {
filter = (typeof filter === "function") ? filter : getWidlcardFilter(filter);
var arrey = [];
try {
var entries = this.handle.directoryEntries;
while(entries && entries.hasMoreElements()) {
var entry = entries.getNext();
// can we get the name from entry?
var file = entry.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFile);
var path = file.path;
var name = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf(FILE_SEP) + 1)
if(filter(name)) {
arrey.push(new File(file));
} catch(e) {}
return arrey;
* appends the name to the file and returns the new file object.
append: function(name) {
return this.handle.append(name);
* returns the file path representing the file
getPath: function() {
return this.handle.path;
// no file I/O is being provided here, its just for the purpose of getting a
// list of files in the file system.
function getWidlcardFilter(simple_wildcard) {
function any() {
return true;
function none() {
return false;
function is(aName) {
return aName === simple_wildcard;
function prefix(aName) {
return aName.indexOf(simple_wildcard) === 0;
// some simple functions for trivial cases
if(simple_wildcard === undefined) {
return none;
if(simple_wildcard.length === 0) {
return any;
if(simple_wildcard.indexOf("*") < 0) {
return is;
var parts = simple_wildcard.split("*");
var first = parts.shift();
var len = parts.length;
return function(aName) {
var part,
idxFirst = aName.indexOf(first);
if(idxFirst !== 0) {
return false;
aName = aName.substring(idxFirst + first.length);
for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
part = parts[i];
idxPart = aName.indexOf(part);
if(idxPart < 0) {
return false;
aName = aName.substring(idxPart + part.length);
return true;
function getFileCompletions(path, MAX_COUNT) {
try {
// sanitize path
MAX_COUNT = MAX_COUNT || 1000; // any pref?
if(path.indexOf("file://") === 0) {
path = path.substring("file://".length);
// check for windows drive
if(path.indexOf(":") === 2 && path.indexOf("/") === 0) {
path = path.substring(1);
path = path.replace(/\//g, FILE_SEP);
var lisep = path.lastIndexOf(FILE_SEP);
var filter, dirpath;
var paths = path.split(FILE_SEP);
// get the root file. no filter supported in root name.
var rootFile = new File(paths.shift());
// take the last path out for preparing final filter
var lastPath = paths.pop();
var files = [rootFile], t;
for(var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
var filter = paths[i];
t = [];
files.forEach(function(f) {
if(f.isDir()) {
t = t.concat(f.getFiles(filter));
files = t;
t = [];
var lastPathFilter = lastPath + "*";
for(var i = 0; i < files.length && t.length < MAX_COUNT; i++) {
if(files[i].isDir()) {
t = t.concat(files[i].getFiles(lastPathFilter));
return t;
} catch(e) {
// ignore
return []; //t || [];
var components = [OmnibarSearch, DetailedOmnibarSearch, OmnibarAllInOne, SearchUtils];
function NSGetModule(compMgr, fileSpec) {
return XPCOMUtils.generateModule(components);